Модуль  № 1. Мова і професія. Професійна лексика.

До розділу додаються два діалоги та лексика ділових контактів та зустрічів. Ця лексика та діалоги мають бути вивченими. Студенти звітують викладачеві на останньому занятті модуля.
                                       Word list.

To make an appointment – домовитися про ділову зустріч
To have a pressing appointment- мати невідкладну ділову зустріч
To cancel the date – відмінити зустріч
To make a business call – зробити діловий візит
Telephone directory – телефонний довідник
Reception room – приймальня
Visitor – відвідувач
To give a massage – передати повідомлення
To brief on the subject – коротко викласти діло
To settle the details – вирішувати часні питання
Round up – зустріч для підведення підсумків.

                                         DIALOGUE 1
                    (A caller enters the office of an English firm)
C: I’d like to see the manager.
S: I’m sorry. He’s busy right now. He’ll be free in a few minutes.
C: I’ll wait. May I smoke?
A:Yes, and you may also look at those magazines.

A: Well, it was a very refreshing and stimulating chat, but  I’ll have to leave right now.
B: What’s the big hurry?
A: I have a very pressing appointment with Dr. Barton.
B: Why not try to talk him into calling the date off?
A: No, I couldn’t possibly do it. Dr. Barton is a VIP and his business hours are always jammed.

                                            DIALOGUE 2
                               (a business interview)
A: Good morning, Mr. Brown. What can I do for you?
B: Well, as a matter of fact, I have a proposition to put before you. I think you know well the firm I represent.
A: Oh, yes, but I’ve never had the pleasure of doing any business with your firm.
B: Well, our company has branches all over Australia and New Zealand. So we’d like to get into touch with a good shipping firm in London, such as yours. The idea is that you should act as our agents and handle all our business on this side.
A: And what about terms of payment and the other essential conditions?
B: Well, we propose to allow you a 2% commission on all business transacted.We are accustomed to paying by bills at three months. What do you think about it?
A: Well, it sounds a promising proposition. I think some such arrangement would suit us very well, but I can’t enter into an agreement or make a definite decision without discussing the matter with my partner. I’ll just give him a ring.
1. В.П.Шпак. „Англійська мова”. Київ. „Вища школа”. 1995.
2. Г.П.Ятель. „Англійська мова”. Київ. „Вища школа”. 1995.                                     

Модуль 2. Країна, мову якої ми вивчаємо.

На самостійне вивчення до цього розділу додаються дві вправи, які допоможуть викладачу перевірити вміння студентів щодо складання усних та письмових висловлювань за поданими темами. Для того, щоб виконати першу вправу успішно необхідно відвідати усі практичні заняття з модулю, оволодіти певною лексикою. Студент обирає одну з поданих тем і робить повідомлення. Для першої вправи - це усне повідомлення, для другої вправи – це письмове повідомлення. Слід запам’ятати, що об’єм усного або письмового висловлювання повинен бути 15-20 речень для того, щоб повністю розкрити тему.

Вправа 1. Поясніть англійською мовою, що означають подані англійські прислів’я .
“Business before pleasure”; “The hardest work is to do nothing”; “If you want a thing well done, do it yourself”; “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”.

Вправа 2. Напишіть розповідь про одне із свят за вибором.
St. Valentine’s Day; April Fool Day; Easter Day; Mother’s Day; Halloween.

Модуль 3 Україна – наша Батьківщина.

До цього розділу додаються завдання, які сприятимуть розвитку навичок мовлення. Перед виконанням завдань студентам необхідно уважно прочитати конспекти, де подаються приклади матеріалів до розділу. Вправи, які необхідно виконати, сприятимуть розвитку у студентів світогляду та мовленнєвої компетенції. Усі завдання необхідно виконати письмово.

Вправа 1. Дайте відповіді на запитання.
1. What kind of country is Ukraine?
2. Who is the head of the state?
3. What is the highest body of state power in the country?
4. What countries does Ukraine border on?
5. What are the main rivers of the country?
6. What are the main branches of industry in Ukraine?
7. What regions are especially attractive for tourists?
8. When did the pollution become evident in Ukraine?
9. What has Chernobyl nuclear accident affected?
10. Is Ukraine a member of the UNO?

Вправа 2. Доповніть речення словами з дужок.
1. I shall say without…my favourite city is Kiev.
2. The city is on the Dnieper which…it into two parts.
3. Kiev was founded as a…on the Dnieper bank.
4. The chronicles mention 3 brothers as…of Kiev.
5. The capital of Ukraine is itself a …monument.
(Hesitation, divides, fortified settlement, founders, historical)

Вправа 3. Складіть розповідь про себе, використовуючи подані питання як план.
1. What is your name?
2. What street do you live in?
3. Do you live in a new or an old house?
4. Is there a lift in your house?
5. Who does your family consist of?
6. When is your birthday?
7. What conveniences are there in your house?
8. What furniture is there in your house?
9. How do you spend your free time?
10. What is your hobby?

Вправа 4. Розпитайте свого товариша про його поїздку у інше місто. Складіть десять різноманітних питань, тобто загальних, альтернативних, спеціальних, розділових.

1. И.С.Богацкий, Н.М.Дюканова. ”Бизнес-курс английского языка”. Киев. „Логос”. 2003.

Модуль  № 4. Загальнонаукова і спеціальна термінологія..

1. Спочатку прочитайте весь текст, щоб зрозуміти його головну думку.
2. Читаючи текст вдруге, підкреслюйте або виписуйте ті слова, значення яких ви не можете зрозуміти з контексту. Обов’язково користуйтеся технічним словником або довідником.
3.Тількі при читанні тексту втретє, починайте письмовий переклад.
4. Редагування тексту починайте через 2-3 дні після перекладу.
Вправа 1. Доповніть речення.
1. The hardware inside the machine expresses …
2. A computing machine can take in and store…
3. The part of the computer which store information is called…
4. After performing calculations a computer displays…
5. The basic job of computers is the processing of…

Вправа 2. Перекладіть речення українською мовою.
1. Computer penetrates almost into all spheres of our modern society.
2. Basic is concentrated to be one of the easiest programming languages to learn.
3. A digital computer computes by using numbers or digits.
4. Computer is a data storage system created by man.
5. Computer is a million times faster than humans in performing computing operations.

Вправа 3. Поєднайте відповідно початок і кінець речень.

A computer a heart of a microcomputer
A microprocessor a tine processor on a single chip
Memory IS data storage system
Personal computer a computer used for home
A program a set of instructions
A keyboard a part which store data.                 

Вправа 4. Доповніть речення словами з дужок.
1. The store…a numerical quantities and data which are to be processed (contains, concludes, consist of).
2. The arithmetic unit normally…the operation of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division (performs, carries out, carry).
3. The output device and input device are to supply information and to…it from the computer (obtain, receive, get).
4. Computers are a million times …than humans in performing computing operations (faster, quicker, rapid).
5. The number of computers used is sometimes believed to…the degree of its modernity (indicate, show, testify).

1. В.П.Шпак. „Англійська мова”. Київ. „Вища школа”. 1995.
2. Г.П.Ятель. „Англійська мова”. Київ. „Вища школа”. 1995

Завдання. Прочитайте текст та зробіть його письмовий переклад. Напишіть як  відрізняються англійська мова повсякденного життя від технічної англійської мови.

At present, the contacts between people of different countries are increasing. The total number of languages in the world is very large. In different reference books it varies from five to eight thousands. There are not many languages in the world each of which has more than 50 million people. On the other hand, there are languages spoken only by several thousands of people.
  When we consider English, we cannot misregard the fact that the English language is spoken by more native speakers than any other language. It is one of the official languages of the UNO (alongside of French, Russian, Spanish and Chinese). No wonder that so many people in different countries spare no efforts to acquire English for communication.
  Technical English is said to be very difficult to understand. Each branch of science and technology has its own vocabulary (terminology). Many of them are formed on the basis of Greek or Latin words and are often international.
  As to the familiar grammatical patterns and models, they are the same as in everyday English. Scientific and technical writing is usually about things, matter, natural processes, and it is impersonal in style. The passive forms of the verb, the constructions Complex Subject and Complex Object are frequently used. Simple sentences are rarely used, for isolated facts or events are seldom dealt with by the engineer. The style of most scientific texts is also very concise. It is because the author-scientist is writing primarily for other scientists.
   In order to master technical English the learner must first acquire a thorough knowledge of everyday literary English with its grammar, vocabulary and rules of word formation. Then it will be easy to learn, step by step, the peculiarities of technical English. It should be born in mind, however, that understanding and translating of scientific-technical literature requires an additional training connected with knowledge of specific terminology.

              Список прикладів „зрадливих друзів” перекладача
Arm- спиця
Basin- таз, миска
Balance- вага
Bench- верстат
Beard- зубець, зазублина
Benzene- бензол
Billet- заготовка
Bug- скоба
Bus- шина
Bush- втулка
Cabinet- корпус, футляр
Cap- ковпачок, головка
Chair- подушка для бутель
Compass- циркуль
Concrete- бетон
Ear- зажим
Fabric- матерія
Fly- маховик
Frog- хрестовина
Gate- затвор
Grass- стрічка шумів
Hat- покрівля
Horse- рама
Jacket- стінка циліндра
Meter- лічильник
Needle- стрілка
Nose- гайка
Pig- болванка
Plum- заповнювач бетону
Free- вал
Revolution- повний оберт
Root- вершина шва
Shoe- колодка, башмак
Transit- теодоліт                               

1. Г.П.Ятель. „Англійська мова”. Київ. „Вища школа”. 1995 р.
2. Е.І.Курашвілі. „Англійська мова”. Москва. „Вища школа”. 1991 р.
3. А.Я.Коваленко. „Загальний курс науково-технічного перекладу”. Київ. „Інкос”. 2004 р.

Модуль № 5. Моя майбутня спеціальність.
Для того, щоб перевірити вміння та навички студентів працювати з текстами (переклад, переказ різних типів, складання резюме, тощо),до цього розділу додаються три тексти різного типу. Кожен текст має завдання, яке студенти повинні виконати.
                                                             Текст 1.

       One of the main characteristics of laser radiation is its intensity. From the invention of the laser in the 1950’s it was recognized that intense laser beams might be a good way to deposit large quantities of energy in materials for manufacturing purposes. That potentiality has now become a mature technology. Over the past decade high – power lasers have been used in many manufacturing processes: the welding of automobile parts, electronic devices and medical instruments; the heat-treating of automobile and airplane parts to improve their surface properties; the cutting of sheet metal in the punch and die industry, and the drilling of small cooling holes in airplane parts. In all these operations laser systems have made production lines more efficient and have reduced costs.
       In manufacturing lasers serve basically as devises capable of applying an extremely high flux of energy to the surface of a work piece. In this role they have significant advantages over such heat sources as flames, torches, electric arcs and plasma jets. Among those advantages are a product of higher quality (in terms of better performance and a reduction in the number of parts that have to be reworked or scrapped); reduced outlays for materials, labor and processing; high productivity (with resulting reductions in floor space and depreciation costs); a better working environment, and the flexibility and versatility of the laser and the production system based on it.
Вправа 1. Дайте назву текст. Письмово мотивуйте, чому ви назвали текст саме так. Напишіть три – чотири речення.
Вправа 2. Складіть план переказу тексту.
Вправа 3. Напишіть резюме до тексту. На при кінці резюме висловите власну думку, щодо тенденції у використанні лазерів у майбутньому.

                                                             Текст 2.

        If we compare various states of matter, we shall easily find out their connection to each other as well as their differences. A liquid is unlike a solid because it has no definite shape, but it is like gas because it can flow. A gas is different from liquid because it has no bounding surface, but both a liquid and a gas can take the form of any vessel they are placed in. A solid has a definite shape resisting any attempt to change it and is thus different from two other states of matter.
        All these three states of matter are very much alike and most substances can readily be placed in one of these three categories or change one for the other. A solid may become a liquid when it is heated to a certain temperature (to a melting point) just as a liquid becomes ice at a freezing point or water becomes gas at a boiling point.
        Some organic substances, e.g. plastics, may show fluid properties at some stage in their manufacture. When heated, many of them soften rather than melt.
        Sublimation occurs when a solid passes directly to the gaseous state after being heated to a certain temperature.
        Some gases are liquefied at room temperature by increasing the pressure. Such substances as chlorine, ammonia and sulphur dioxide are often transported as liquids under pressure. Gases are compressible; they become hot when subjected to an increase in pressure, as in a bicycle pump. And vice versa, a gas becomes cooler when it is allowed to expand through a valve. Applying such facts gives the means of liquefying gases or of making a refrigerator.
        Each substance consists of very tiny building-blocks called atoms. They attract each other and combine into larger units- molecules which are in a constant state of vibration. The molecules of a solid, for instance, having a great attraction for each other, are laced very close together. In a liquid the attraction between the molecules is much less, and the ties between the molecules of a gas are rather loose.

Вправа 1. Складіть перелік лексики, дайте її переклад та транскрипцію.
Вправа 2. Складіть п’ять різноманітних питань до тексту.
Вправа 3. Напишіть резюме до тексту.
                                                               Текст 3.

        Man has always wanted to discover the composition of the common substances which he meets every day. In earlier times alchemists tried to change base metals into precious ones, and also to find an elixir to restore youth to the aged. In our time it is common to change the appearance and the wearing properties of metals by depositing other metals upon their surfaces by electricity; this is termed electro-plating. Scientists have also succeeded in actually changing certain metals into others, although at very great cost.
        Scientific and technological progress takes place because o the solid foundation produced by years of experiment, and is based on the fundamental laws and theories formulated in earlier times.
        The ancient Greeks thought of all matter as composed of elements, but their elements were only four in number: ire, air, earth and water. In the course of centuries people’s ideas of the basic elements have radically changed.
        If we try to divide all the various substances in the world, we shall obtain simpler substances which in the end it will be impossible to divide into small simpler ones. The substances which can be obtained in this way are called elements and their quantity is about one hundred. Some of the commoner elements are iron, aluminium, lead, gold, copper, carbon, mercury oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen.
        Most of the bodies we see around us are compounds. It is very important to remember that in a chemical compound the elements can be joined in certain very definite proportions. When elements combine to form new substances, they always do so in definite proportions.

Вправа 1. Напишіть переклад тексту.
Вправа 2. Напишіть повний переказ тексту.
Вправа 3. Вигадайте назву тексту.